SEC Rule 606 Quarterly Report for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2012

Seven Points Capital has prepared this report pursuant to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule requiring all brokerage firms to make publicly available quarterly reports on their order routing practices. The report provides information on the routing of "non-directed orders" - any order that the customer has not specifically instructed to be routed to a particular venue [market center] for execution. For these non-directed orders, Seven Points Capital has selected the execution venue on behalf of its customers. Seven Points Capital may participate in programs which result in its receipt of remuneration, compensation or other consideration for the placing of orders with other broker-dealers, exchanges and market centers for execution.

Based on the design of the firm's proprietary order routing mechanism, most orders were routed to and executed by multiple venues. Therefore, the data below reflects the percentages of orders routed for execution at each market venue.

Summary Statistics :
Market orders as percentage of total non-directed orders 40%

Limit orders as percentage of total non-directed orders 60%

Information Concerning Significant Venues :

New York Stock Exchange Listed Symols
Venue % of volume % of orders - Market % of orders - Limit
OMS 36 87 13
ARCA 22 5 95
KNIGHT 18 17 83
WABR 12 9 91
MAXM 7 68 32
BAMLGO 2 0 100
VFIN 2 85 15
NYSE 1 35 65

American Stock Exchange Listed Symols
Venue % of volume % of orders - Market % of orders - Limit
KNIGHT 78 19 81
ARCA 22 11 89

NASDAQ Listed Symols
Venue % of volume % of orders - Market % of orders - Limit
WABR 33 15 85
OMS 31 99 1
ARCA 19 3 97
KNIGHT 12 28 78
MAXM 2 77 23
BAMLGO 1 8 92

Other and Regional Exchanges Listed Symols
Venue % of volume % of orders - Market % of orders - Limit
KNIGHT 41 0 100
MAXM 27 61 39
WABR 18 80 20
OMS 5 0 100
VFIN 5 76 24
ARCA 4 1 99