SEC Rule 606 Quarterly Report for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2012

Summary Statistics :
Non-directed orders as percentage of total customer orders 100%

Market orders as percentage of total non-directed orders 59%

Limit orders as percentage of total non-directed orders 41%

Information Concerning Significant Venues :

New York Stock Exchange Listed Symols
Venue % of volume % of orders - Market % of orders - Limit
NYSE 81 54 56
Knight Capital Markets 12 67 33
ARCA 3 61 39
BATS 1 56 44
ETCC 1 63 37
NASDAQ 1 55 45

American Stock Exchange Listed Symols
Venue % of volume % of orders - Market % of orders - Limit
NYSE 77 32 68
Knight Capital Markets 13 60 40
ETCC 3 0 100
ARCA 2 34 66
EDGE 2 58 42
BATS 1 25 75
NASDAQ 1 60 40
NATIONAL 1 80 20

NASDAQ Listed Symols
Venue % of volume % of orders - Market % of orders - Limit
Knight Capital Markets 71 29 71
NYSE 15 80 20
ARCA 10 45 55
BNY 1 0 100
NASDAQ 1 44 56

Other and Regional Exchanges Listed Symols
Venue % of volume % of orders - Market % of orders - Limit
Knight Capital Markets 99 0 100
NYSE 1 0 100